Get involved

How do I become a member?
If you would like a chance to shape the environment and services in the Stirling region that affect you, whether you have a physical, learning, or sensory impairment (such as hearing loss or visual impairment), please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.
Or complete our Membership Form and return it to us.
We welcome individuals and group representatives with personal experience of access issues who wish to contribute to making an improvement to accessibility in the Region.
If you have some free time to become a volunteer, we would welcome you. You will have the opportunity to meet new people, gain new experience and skills.
We are particularly seeking new Panel members with an interest in the built environment, or personal experience of access issues in the local area.
For more details please contact us.
Come along to a meeting
We'd love to meet you. Let us know you're coming so we know the numbers to expect. Contact us.
Meetings since Covid have been by Zoom, so we were pleased to be able to restart in person meetings, which are open to everyone.
Our next in person meeting is on Thursday 18th April, from 2-4pm. in the Board Room, Forth Valley College, Drip Rd, Stirling, FK8 1SE. Future dates to be confirmed.